Friday, March 19, 2010

Make learning relevant to enhance performance

It seems to me that training is evolving . At the time it was initiated , the core objective was to bring employees and workers upto speed through a consistent set of practices, replicable for implementation by all. Look at armed forces - they have institutionalised training to performance, very effeciently and effectively. Regular , knowledge and skill enhancement is critical to create combat readiness and edge. They have perfected the art of blending competencies, subject expertise, applied skill and behavorial skills needed to create a well orchestrated fighting force , battle ready for cohesive functioning - perfect link between performance environment and learning environment. All learning moments are taken care off.
Do we see this happening in the corporate world ? Opportunity exists in making this alignment happen. First , the similarities : Both business and defence environment calls for high level strategic planning and thinking- addressing risks and uncertainity. This needs perfect execution through efficient work processes . The difference arises where skills are involved. Army has a bank of skill inventory with proficiency measurement system ranging from a novice to a instructor level, coroporate world hardly has one. Alignment to the performance environment is at best fuzzy.That is where the trouble is. Most corporates view training as a program and not neccessarily integrated with the work. Army sees it as an integral process and critical to survivality. Time has come to study the performance environment more closely and develop knowledge and skill solutions that can meet the performance needs.

1 comment:

  1. Liked the comparison with reference to strategy. I have to agree that the way the armed forces looks at training is far more in-depth than the way corporates do.
