A rough calculation indicates that for every hour of training , the final implementation in performance is less than 10% ,after 3 weeks, if transfer of learning to performance is not taken care of. In essence this is a frightening situation, that for every training dollar invested, the potential leakage is very high. What is the problem ?
Very often, the measures highlight the end result, e.g., Number of calls made, Satisfaction scores, and at higher management, the measures tend to be more summative. Since training, is an intervention for enhanced performance, measures pertaining to observed behaviour change do not get the attention, that it deserves. If a sales person's job is measured in terms of calls made, and the training intervention calls for an enhanced behaviour of pre-call planning for every call, a measure to check and report this behaviour may become more relevant over and above the call quantity report. Likewise , the behavorial competencies of the role may need to be profiled for potential performance.
From the time a person gets trained till the time proficiency sets in , their exists a gap. This can vary from a few months to some years depending on the job complexity. A systemic approach can help save costs and improve productivity. This stage calls for mapping a learning path, best suited for proficiency development. It calls for a blending of training, post training transfer of learning, supported by informal learning which is tailored to suit skill development, supported by a measurement system, which can track and measure the observable behaviour. The concept can draw some parallel with TQM , where, measures such as quality , cost and deilvery are used for measuring a process. Going further, the entire skill development from induction to proficiency can be measured with process control measures to monitor degree of control and variation. A path which can accelerate this capability can also be implemented using the same concept. It is high time that an end to end process that not only measures the results but also tracks the observable skills at various points , is implemented. This calls for taking the first step by getting the L&D folks trained in TQM.
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