A raging discussion is on ,in this topic . I am alarmed , that opinions are being shed by our professionals where understand of the word training is suspect. Business houses have been TRAINING people for both explicit needs and implicit reasons. Many a time , as vendors , we have been called to do a training program just to address the needs of an event (timed with a conference). The explicit need being to get people under a roof and undergo some thought leading input. Does it leave a professional impact? Difficult to say. If you look closely, the need was more implicit -in this case of building awareness; and the training function doing a cursory job of building training mandays like a ritual. We seem to have forgotten that by definition training is a process of modifying actions and behaviours aligned to effective best practices that have been known to deliver results. By this definition , it may be evident that training is a time consuming process. The process does encompass a series of interconnected events that offer relevance to the learner as a replication of everyday work. By this expansion, it assumes that the modified behaviour is applicable in the work arena and hence the event is a simulation for the learner to engage , absorb and apply. Most trainers are trainers of the head i.e they appeal to the body above the neck. Very few appeal to the hand (symbol of action), which is where the challenge lies. Now let us go back to the starting point - what should he or she be able to do differently after the training that can guarantee resultant success for the participant. The debate should therefore be focussed on how we can make a difference to the learner as opposed to debating on the result.
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