Sunday, January 31, 2010

The tools of Learning

I was quite taken aback to see some discussions going around tools of learning. Some have opined on how power point actually originated for trainers and today it is being labelled "Death by Powerpoint" as people sit through boring meetings to see power point slides. In a similar manner another discussion is on where, comments about E-Learning authoring tools being made so simple that anyone can use. Likewise, some are struggling with newer resources like Social Media web 2.0 and discussions are more about the issues as opposed to anything else. From the great educational technology breakthrough of the 19th century (THE BLACKBOARD) to slide based presentations using transparencies to CBT , a constant change is visible.
The funnel from one to many ( the typical classroom format ) to one to one is emerging. I was amazed to see guitar tutorials being offerred by kids -barely into their teens over youtube. Students can learn to play irrespective of where the tutor is. This has taken learning into one more high, you can now at your own pace and in your own time learn from anywhere. All you need is an internet access and a device that helps you to browse. One can use a multiplicity of learning formats to best address your needs of interest, time and access . Content available is presented in media that can appeal to your favourite learning style.
Happily we have a problem of abundance allowing immense flexibility to the learner. The issue is not use and mis-use but one of application. This has happened in the past in other categories (take telephony and communications integrating to enhance applications) and newer paradigms are emerging(now the same technology is integrating commerce and entertainment. I see a similar upheavel taking shape where technology will allow people to add knowledge and skills aiding competency development with minimal specialised instructional development and deployment skills. Research has established that 70% of coroporate professional learning takes play through informal means such as discussions, coaching, information update etc., and in future the trend is likely to remain similar. If we break up phases of learning into exponential requirements (needed when new to a job/role) and incremental requirements (when needed for augmenting and maintaining existing knowledge) it is possible to have different tracks. Professionally validated learning systems designed,developed and deployed by qualified experts may be neccessary while the incremental learning may be added on by anyone. One major stepping stone is to create pool of professionals who are knowledgeable and familiar with all the nuances of training, learning and performance so that they initiate the process and act as core change agents.

1 comment:

  1. Very true Sid. The trend on informal learning mediums is here to stay..
