It is scary to live through these times. Look at these kids with back breaking backpacks plodding to school. The college kids with sling bags go to college , as if in defiance , to say "I am happy and I am out of school". Out off canteen, and enter into some pre-employment career coaching institutes trying to get a toehold in a career , that is horribly at a mis-match. With every passing day we are becoming slaves of a hierchial education system that was valuable for the industrial age of the 19th Century. India , seems to have got obsessed with competitive education , by happily discarding the timeless storehouse of knowledge given to us from our seers. In CII meet 2007 January , Gordon Brown (then FM of UK) had cited that India had more engineers then technicians, which meant more people with heads were available and less of the able-bodied people, forcing foriegn investment to take a back seat. Our great education system throws out 3 million graduates with less than 5% being employment ready and compare this to Singapore where 85% are work ready? How do we change this? More education ? I am afraid to mention that according to Ma Foi survey more than 10 million people are engaged in education with a half a million higher education teachers. We love white collar jobs and despise Blue collar . It is time that a systemic approach towards moving from head to hand is developed before we miss the bus of development and sink in the quick sand of poverty
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